I used the information I collected over a 10 year period to write a book to help others understand how we become part of planned agendas and how the resulting patterns, habits and imprints create expectations of who we should be. These life experiences create filters unique to each of us and affect how we see, judge and react to people and circumstances.
“What I said is not what you heard.” This statement is a reality for most of us because we all speak through filters we have developed regarding how we perceive things. We are unaware of how restrictive these filters can be and wonder why communication with others can be so difficult. The presence of these acquired filters affect life decisions, relationships, career choices and much more. Once we learn how to recognize the presence of such controls and acknowledge where they come from, we have an opportunity to release their effects and look at life from a different perspective.
It is important to remember everyone you speak to has their own set of filters so listen carefully to the spaces between the words.